Saturday, June 4, 2011


I was somewhat surprised to discover that Fleetwood Mac’s classic 1977 long-play release “Rumours” is currently sitting at the Number 3 position on the Australian Album Charts.

In order for me to understand this abnormal occurrence, the usual gamut of questions ran through my head:

QUESTION: “Are Fleetwood Mac presently touring Australia?”

QUESTION: “Has Stevie Nicks passed away?”

QUESTION: “Has the music of Fleetwood Mac recently been featured in Glee?”
ANSWER: Gotcha!!!

I have barely watched an episode of Glee, albeit I have vicariously ingested a general understanding of the latest television phenomena by way of non-stop advertisements on all forms of media. Travelling to work each morning in a train carriage full of teenage school girls also helps with my general understanding of Glee

There is no doubting that Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie & Lindsay Buckingham shall bank the song writing royalties resultant from the spike in sales of “Rumours”, without hesitation. When one creates a work of art, one is entitled to endless rewards. The concerning outcome of this event is the performance of the classic Fleetwood Mac songs in this Glee episode. Lindsay Buckingham’s classic version of “Go Your Own Way” was laced with bitterness; he was in recoil over Stevie Nicks’ departure from his private life, and the tension in his vocal and guitar solo underpinned the song’s enormous success. The Glee interpretation could not have been more sterile if it was produced in a hospital ward. “Songbird” was completely devoid of any level of emotion; Christine McVie must have been shaking her head over the cremation of her finest work.

So, is Glee good or bad for modern music?

Glee is providing a lucrative lifeline for a select range of artists and bands, of whom their music would not otherwise be returning to the mainstream media. In fact, Coldplay have agreed to license the use of their songs in Glee, after initially declining such an offer. Let’s face it; any publicity is good publicity!!

Glee is not leveraging off its immense popularity to introduce new talented songwriters to the mainstream media. Glee is the perfect media vehicle to enable Generation Y to understand & appreciate the power of the song writing craft.

Will Glee make a superstar out of one or more of its cast? The jury remains out on this question. One thing is for sure; Glee’s creators and the copyright holders of the classic songs featured in each episode shall become rich or richer. When you discover a gem, you get wealthy. Then again, that’s show business…