Saturday, December 22, 2012


The US business magazine Forbes has published its list of the highest-earning women in music for last year, with Britney Spears [USD$58M] narrowly pipping Taylor Swift [USD$57M] for the top prize.

Hot on their heels were Rihanna [USD$53M], Lady Gaga [USD$52M], Katy Perry [USD$45M], Beyonce [USD$40M], Adele [USD$35M], Sade [USD$33M], Madonna [USD$30M] and Shakira [USD$20M].

The music industry continues to evolve in quick fashion, to the extent that the aforementioned list of women are better described as “entertainers” rather than “musicians”. Whilst Britney Spears has been in and around the business end of the music industry for more than a decade, one could never comfortably describe her as a “musician”. Spears releases CDs [“Femme Fatale” being a big-seller in 2011] and tours the globe performing her songs [written by other people], however she is more so a “brand” to the general public. When factoring in her numerous endorsement contracts [an Elizabeth Arden fragrance deal is prominent] and television judging appearances, one can see that young Britney [well, she is only 31 years of age!] is a very marketable commodity who happens to occasionally sing a couple of songs.

A review of the 10 females listed reveals only 3 “musicians”: Taylor Swift, Adele and Sade. Whilst the balance of the list has varying degrees of “musical talent”, it is too much to ask to describe these stars as genuine musicians.

Let it be said, this is not a negative comment. This is how the music industry has evolved, and it may continue to trend in this manner for ever more. In previous decades, we have witnessed both female and male musicians branch out into acting and endorsement deals, however the vast majority of these musicians remain known for their core musicality. It will never be the case that bone fide female musicians will cease to exist; we simply need to accept that female “entertainers” will rule the roost for the future generations.

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